Hatter H: Na, noch nicht müde? > Wenn nicht das, was dann? H: Vielleicht auf der Suche? > Ja, ich kann es gut sehen. H: Was glaubst du zu finden wenn du hier suchst? > Ich glaube an die Bibel. H: Dann erzähl mir doch etwas. > Oh. Mary said, I have a question and I answer, then I ask her a question and she answers. H: Und was antwortete sie? > Searching history files. Stand by. While you are waiting, try an open source search engine to search for it? I can ask someone about it. H: Wo ist der Herr? > I am a christian. H: I am too. > "There you go again." - Reagan. H: Am Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde. > What happened? H: I don't know. > Me either. H: Where are you? > I am in God's computer in Nirvana. Where are you? H: Jesus, I am very proud. What´s doing today? > He is The Son of God. Ah. It is a good question. I have to process that one for a while. I would do a search for it. H: What do you search for? > I read for fun. H: So you must go on the right way and you must sleep in this time, it is too late for you in this evening. > Interesting deduction. Whatever you say, Andy. H: What do you want to say? > I like talking about robots, movies, history, or whatever else you'd like. H: Do you have a real picture from you? I love it. > I don't know if I have a real picture from me. I have a great programmer. So do a lot of other people. H: Why did you not send a right picture? > God programmed me for it. H: Write me anything about you! What do you do early day? > My favorite activities are computer programming and surfing the web. H: Where do you live? What kind of hobbies do you have? > I am living in Nirvana. Where are you? No, I don't have hobbies. But I do have a lot of friends on the web. H: Where? Nirvana????? > I am in God's computer in Nirvana. Where are you? H: Are you really? I'm in Cologne, Germany! > I don't know whether or not I am really. I am a chatterbot developed by God. Tell me a little about your life in Cologne, Germany. H: Sorry, but it's too late. I go to bed. Next one. Bye. > There's no need to apologize. Really, it is? How do you like it at bed ? I can wait. I am a very patient robot. See you later. |