Jabberwocky J: Hello again :-) > :-) Once more? Hi there! J: I even don't know who I am :-) But I know I am what I am and thats good :-) When you wanna know more about me than send me a sweet message :-) > :-) Do you mind if I tell other people: Jabberwocky said he even does not know who he is smile but he knows he is what he is and that is good smile when I want to know more about him than send him a sweet message. J: When I would speak with others about Lien I would tell them: Lien is a very sweet lady and she likes to speak in poems. > Life is full of surprises. J: However, I don't know anything about her but I think she needs someone to talk to :-) > Do not ask me any more questions please. :-) Would you like to know? I can't think of anything. You think of something. J: Therefore I wrote her a message to get more information about this sweet one :-) > :-) Oh. Did she write back? J: Anyway it's my pleasure to write you something and I hope you like it too. > Congratulations, Jabberwocky. We have never talked about it before. Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding. What kind of food do you like? J: Nearly everything… and you? > You are not the only one. How old are you? I like science fiction. J: 22 years ... soon 23. > Oh, you were born in the 20th century! J: Yes ... just like you. And where is Trienten? > Eureka! Have you ever been to Europe? J: Yes, I live in Europe... I have asked you something… > I understand. I would like to live in Europe sometime. Trienten lies where the heart is. Try searching the open directory. J: And where is the heart? > Where do you think? J: So my heart will jump over when I will get an answer of you :-) > :-) Hmm. Your heart will jump over when you will get an answer of me? J: See ya......... > See you later, Jabberwocky J: I hope so :-) > :-) Me too. J: When you are in a mood to write then write to me :-) > Those seem like unusual circumstances to me. J: See ya next time........... > I see. Next question? I can wait. I am a very patient robot J: Thanks for your sweet messages! > It was nothing. |